intensive housing management

what is intensive housing management?

Intensive Housing Management is a service which is more intensively provided because of the additional needs of the tenant. These include but are not limited to:

  • The provision of an alarm
  • Dealing with nuisance issues, anti-social behaviour (ASB) and organised crime.
  • Controlling access to the premises
  • Ensuring rent is paid regularly and on time.
  • Organising inspections of property and arranging for any repairs or improvements to be carried out, including the replacement of furniture.
  • Ensuring that people are aware of their rights under their occupancy agreement.
    • Offering advice and guidance on keeping property to a reasonable standard of hygiene.
    • Assisting people to access other support services as required.
    • Liaising with all relevant agencies, both statutory and voluntary, on the tenant’s behalf.
    • Assisting people to reduce rent arrears.
    • Ensuring that people know how to use equipment safely.
    • Assisting people to claim Housing Benefit and other welfare benefits.
    • Helping to keep people safe by monitoring visitors, i.e. external care workers, including contractors and professionals and by carrying out health and safety and risk assessments of property.
    • Providing people with advice and facilitating a move to alternative accommodation as required